KL Auschwitz - Ultra rare document from KL Auschwitz signed personally by Rudolf Höss' adjutant Robert Mulka!!!
Price: | $750.00 |
Document is about the orders sent by central SS office in Berlin that during wartime no petitions or applications from the East should be accepted, due to security reasons.SS-Hauptsturmführer Robert Mulka was since 1941 to 1943, adjutant of Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höß. He was later demoted due to a supposed derogatory mark made against Goebbels. He was then SS-Obersturmführer till the end of the war. He survived the WW2 and worked as businessman since he was recognized and arrested due to the investigations carried out by an attorney from Frankfurt. At the time of his trial, Mulka was 68 years old and married with a daughter and two sons.The court noted that he had played a major role in the transformation of Auschwitz from a concentration camp into an extermination complex from mid-1942, in the planning and construction of the four Birkenau crematoria and gas chamber complexes, and the selection of arriving transports of Jews on the Alte Rampe (Old ramp) for extermination, respectively occurred and began during his tenure.
For further information about Robert Mulka, check this link: