KL Buchenwald - Unique correspondence sent to the Czech prisoner of KL Buchenwald 1940
Price: | $180.00 |
Complete unique correspondence sent to the Czech prisoner Josef Fiala born 23.03.1894 prisoner number 7788 and also 3824 and 35604 in KL Buchenwald . Formerly he was a prisoner of KL Dachau. Correspondence sent to the camp is much more unique than letters sent from the camp. Among other things, because the prisoners could not keep these letters, they only had to pass them when collecting the next one. For this please take into account the fact that there is a continuous lack of paper, for example for cigarettes, toilets, secret messages etc. The envelope has the zurük stamp, meaning return. He probably exceeded the number of letters he could receive in a given month or had some other prohibition. The correspondence is in very good condition, both envelope and letter.
We found in German archives few documents after him, copy below.