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KL Dachau - Named set of a Dutch priest who was imprisoned in KL Dachau

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We offer this unique concentration camp jacket!
This coat has been from priest Johannes Rothkrans born November 26, 1911 in
Nieuwenhagen, a small village in the south of the Netherlands. He was captured
because he was against the Nsb movement and was detained in Maastricht from 25
Nov 1941 until April 1942, than he went to a prison in Aken for a few days and
after that he was taken to Dachau were he arrived two weeks later on April 23,
1942. He was released on April 29, 1945 bu the Americans. He was not the only
priest who was in Dachau, there were several from the Netherlands, a total of
1300 priests died there.
Heinrich Himmler had ordered 14 April 1945 that not one prisoner would leave
the camp alive.
When the liberation of the camp begin there were still 32000 people in the camp.
On the 20th of may Johan Rothkrans went back with a few other Dutch prisoners
to the Netherlands.
He survived several times typhus in the camp.
He wrote a book about his experiences in 1957 and died in Maastricht on April
21, 1972.
