KL Flossenburg - Parcel card order send to prisoner of camp KL Flossenburg Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Parcel card order send to prisoner of camp KL Flossenburg On back side signature of camp censor ! Specifics: Documents & paperworkKL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 0
Adolf Hitler's Portrait Paint Done Over Wooden Table Adolf Hitler's Portrait Paint Done Over Wooden Table $340.00
Great Photo Album of a Wehrmacht Soldier in France and Poland 80 Photos! Great Photo Album of a Wehrmacht Soldier in France and Poland 80 Photos! $760.00
Book "Captain Christiansen. Told from Logbooks" 1939 Book "Captain Christiansen. Told from Logbooks" 1939 $60.00
German ID to a Seriously War Disabled Soldier of the German Army 1944 German ID to a Seriously War Disabled Soldier of the German Army 1944 $50.00