KL Flossenburg - Parcel card order send to prisoner of camp KL Flossenburg Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Parcel card order send to prisoner of camp KL Flossenburg On back side signature of camp censor ! Specifics: Documents & paperworkKL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 0
German 5 Million Mark Banknote With Anti-Semitic Message on the Reverse - 1923 German 5 Million Mark Banknote With Anti-Semitic Message on the Reverse - 1923 $190.00
Portcard and Indications About the Anti-Semitic Exhibition "The Eternal Jew" In Vienna 1938 Portcard and Indications About the Anti-Semitic Exhibition "The Eternal Jew" In Vienna 1938 $160.00
Complete Sheet of Small German Vignettes Stickers With Anti-Semitic Messages 1920s Complete Sheet of Small German Vignettes Stickers With Anti-Semitic Messages 1920s $320.00
Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1940 Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1940 $80.00