KL Flossenburg - Parcel card order send to prisoner of camp KL Flossenburg Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Parcel card order send to prisoner of camp KL Flossenburg On back side signature of camp censor ! Specifics: Documents & paperworkKL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 0
SS Polizei Regiment 27 Oslo Norway 1944 - Interesting letter and public transport ticket 40s SS Polizei Regiment 27 Oslo Norway 1944 - Interesting letter and public transport ticket 40s $40.00
Set of 5 Documents of an SS Sturmmann of a Panzer Regiment Set of 5 Documents of an SS Sturmmann of a Panzer Regiment $160.00
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Special war-disabled Ausweis and NSKOV Ausweis issued to a former German soldier who had brain damage Special war-disabled Ausweis and NSKOV Ausweis issued to a former German soldier who had brain damage $80.00