KL Flossenburg - Parcel card order send to prisoner of camp KL Flossenburg Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Parcel card order send to prisoner of camp KL Flossenburg On back side signature of camp censor ! Specifics: Documents & paperworkKL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 0
Early KL Auschwitz Prisoner Letter From Stammlager ( Main Camp) Early KL Auschwitz Prisoner Letter From Stammlager ( Main Camp) $120.00
Book "The Essential Structure of Nationalsozialism" 1932 Book "The Essential Structure of Nationalsozialism" 1932 $80.00
Letter Sent by KL Gross-Rosen Prisoner With Low Number to His Wife 1944 Letter Sent by KL Gross-Rosen Prisoner With Low Number to His Wife 1944 $140.00
A special envelope sent from the KL Buchenwald headquarters. A special envelope sent from the KL Buchenwald headquarters. $120.00