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KL Mauthausen and KL Stutthof - 2 rare documents sent to KriPo office in Nürnberg regarding same prisoner transfers to other prisons or camps - Document hand signed by KL Mauthasen Kommandant Franz Ziereis and KL Stutthof Kriminal-Sekretar Erich Thum

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Super rare 2 documents sent from Mauthausen and Stutthof Kommandanturen to KriPo office in Nürnberg regarding the prisoner Franz Schmidt who was catalogued as "Bertufsverbrecher" that could be translated as "career criminal". This document notifies the transfer of this prisoner to the district court prison in Nürnberg and later back to Mauthausen. The special document is that one from KL Mauthausen, since it's hand signed by infamous Lagerkommandant Franz Ziereis, who was lately killed and hanged naked in the barbed wired fence of the camp when III Reich collapsed. This document is dated 1940, since KL Stutthof document is dated 1944. KL Stutthof document hand signed by SS-Untersturmfuhrer Kriminal-Sekretar Erich Thum notifies the transfer of this prisoner to KL Buchenwald. We see this man stayed at least 5 years in 3 different concentration camps!

Both documents are in perfect condition and.
