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KL Neuengamme - Very rare document signed by camp commandants' adjuntant Albert Lütkemeyer about working time in camp!!! Document from his period in KL Neuengamme - 1943

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Military Division: 

Very rare document signed by KL Neuengamme Commandant's adjutant Albert Lütkemeyer!!! Document from his period in KL Neuengamme issued in 1943. This document is about the working shifts and working time regulations established for the SS crew of the Schutzhaftlager in KL Neuengamme, transmitted by SS-Obersturmführer Lütkemeyer and signed by him personally.

Lütkmeyer was SS member since 1934, and after being in KL Dachau as guard, he then worked in KL Neuengamme as Schutzhaftlagerführer. He then went to a sub-camp of KL Groß-Rosen as Lagerführer in Arbeitslager Riese in Eulengebirge. He was then captured and charged with crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging. He was executed in 1947.

For further information of Albert Lütkemeyer check this link:

