KL Neuengamme - Very rare private explicit photos grouping of KL Neuengamme showing crematorium, prisoner barracks, corpses... and each one described in Polish
Price: | $620.00 |
Very rare private photos grouping of KL Neuengamme showing crematorium, prisoner barracks, corpses, barbed wire fence... and each one described in Polish on the reverse and obverse, is written by a former prisoner. Photos are really shocking and explicit, showing creepy places and depicting how was life inside the camp. They might have been taken just after liberation, since there are people in uniform in the camp that seem POWs. We can see also the ovens to cremate corspes and also some skinny corses lying on the ground in dozens still wearing boots and clothes, but they seem they are in rotting process. All are removed from a photo album and they are for sure a very interesting document of how KL Neuengamme did look like, the infamous concentration camp in Hamburg. All in great condition and in postcard size.