KriPo Citation for Police Questioning in a Ghetto 1941 Jew Hersz Biber Price:$120.00 Product category: Jewish Holocaust Ghettos Rare Kriminal Polizei (KriPo) official citation for a police questioning in a Jewish ghetto dated in 1941. Good condition Specifics: Documents & paperworkGhetto itemsHolocaustJewish itemsWarsaw ghettoTags: GhettoStock: 1
German Book of Jewish Cultural Subject "For the Hygiene of the Jews" 1926 German Book of Jewish Cultural Subject "For the Hygiene of the Jews" 1926 $120.00
"About the Jewish Question in Poland" - Die Polnische Judenfrage by B. Segel - 1916 "About the Jewish Question in Poland" - Die Polnische Judenfrage by B. Segel - 1916 $90.00
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