Letter from a KL Auschwitz concentration camp inmate dated 1944 Price:$130.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives KL Auschwitz inmate letter dated 1944 in very good condition. Specifics: LettersStock: 0
Very Rare III Reich Period Blueprint or Design of the Construction of a Guesthouse in Ptakowitz Very Rare III Reich Period Blueprint or Design of the Construction of a Guesthouse in Ptakowitz $60.00
2 Numbers of the SS Official Newspaper "Das Schwarze Korps" 1942 2 Numbers of the SS Official Newspaper "Das Schwarze Korps" 1942 $100.00
5 photos taken in a Austrian NSDAP party meeting with many political leaders and Austrian Gauleiter 5 photos taken in a Austrian NSDAP party meeting with many political leaders and Austrian Gauleiter $230.00
Temporary Ausweis Issued to a Polish Man Who Was Etnic German From Lemberg - 1943 Temporary Ausweis Issued to a Polish Man Who Was Etnic German From Lemberg - 1943 $100.00