Line Officer's Brocade Belt & Buckle . (Feldbinde und Schaerpenschnalle)
Price: | $350.00 |
Line Officer's Brocade Belt & Buckle . (Feldbinde und Schaerpenschnalle). After Hitlers rise to power the reorganized Kriegsmarine retained the Reichsmarine brocade belt and dress buckle for Line Officers. Originally the buckles were only produced with a gilt finish until 1934 when a silver version for Administrative Officers was introduced. Roughly long, wide, woven, bright, silver/aluminum construction brocade belt with vertically ribbing. The belt has two, parallel, charcoal grey, horizontal stripes which alternate on every second vertical rib of the woven brocade.The reverse is well marked with the embossed, stylized, manufacturers initials within a circular border, "ELJ", indicating manufacture by, Emil Jüttner of Lüdenscheid.
Good condition with traces of hard wear. As the pictures shown.