Nazi German Protektorat Bohmen u. Mahren Poster "Warning" 1939
Price: | $620.00 |
Bilingual poster "Warnung!" from Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia explaining that this land was incorporated to the German Reich in october 1939 and therefore all the industries were from then on under German control and people living there are citizens of the III Reich. It gives some guidelines to live within the Protektorat such as avoiding partisan or sabotage actions against German forces or authorities or they will be punished severely with very violent reprisals, etc. It's written in German and Czech and it was "signed" by Konstantin von Neurath, Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia. Posters like this were hanged on public places and buildings. It has few minor damages being the most remarkable a hole that doesn't affect the text of the poster. Overall condition is very good. Foldable poster printed in red paper to catch the attention of the people to whom it was addressed. ca 94x63cm