The Nazis overprinted a German inflation note with a quote from communist and Jew Karl Liebknech
Price: | $180.00 |
The Nazis overprinted a German inflation note with a quote from communist and Jew Karl Liebknech
During and following the German hyperinflation of 1923, the worthless large-denomination Reichsbank currency was widely overprinted with various anti-Semitic, anti-Communist, anti-capitalist, anti-inflation, Nazi-inspired, and political slogans. In many towns, special notgeld were issued, often with racist or militant propaganda in their design.
" Wir sind da und wir bleiben da ! Und der Sieg wird unser sein ! TROTZ ALLEDEM - Karl Liebknech " this is mean "We are here and we stay and victory will be ours DEFINITELY - Karl Liebknech "
Karl Liebknecht was a German socialist and a co-founder with Rosa Luxembourg of the Spartacist League and the Communist Party of Germany. He is the best known for his opposition in the Spartacist uprising of 1919. The Freedoms (paramilitary units formed of World War I veterans). Liebknecht and Luxembourg were killed.
Very very difficult said anything about this banknotes . We got from very reputation collectors of German notes .