Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938 Price:Sold out Product category: Sold items/Archives Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938. Specifics: Documents & paperworkHolocaustJewish itemsPropaganda - Anti jewishStock: 0
Very nice documents about the issue of SS Ausweiss to an SS Mann 1940 Very nice documents about the issue of SS Ausweiss to an SS Mann 1940 $120.00
Notification sent from Hitler's Reich Chancellery in Berlin in 1940 Notification sent from Hitler's Reich Chancellery in Berlin in 1940 $100.00
Holocaust - Very unique and rare set of photos of the infamous Bochnia executions of Poles in 18 XII 1939! Holocaust - Very unique and rare set of photos of the infamous Bochnia executions of Poles in 18 XII 1939! $980.00
KL Buchenwald - Awesome inedit photo of the 20 Poles executed in Poppenhausen in May 1942! KL Buchenwald - Awesome inedit photo of the 20 Poles executed in Poppenhausen in May 1942! $220.00