Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938 Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938. Specifics: Documents & paperworkHolocaustJewish itemsPropaganda - Anti jewishStock: 0
WW2- Nazi propaganda - 1934 Braune Messe Danzig tinnie - needle missing WW2- Nazi propaganda - 1934 Braune Messe Danzig tinnie - needle missing $45.00
WW2 - DRK German Red Cross Nurse ID pass in perfect condition WW2 - DRK German Red Cross Nurse ID pass in perfect condition $120.00
KL Mauthausen - Impressive photos of some former Mauthausen Polish inmates remembering the victims! KL Mauthausen - Impressive photos of some former Mauthausen Polish inmates remembering the victims! $140.00
WW2 - 1937-1944 Interesting grouping of armband and documents to a disabled woman WW2 - 1937-1944 Interesting grouping of armband and documents to a disabled woman $380.00