Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938 Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938. Specifics: Documents & paperworkHolocaustJewish itemsPropaganda - Anti jewishStock: 0
Index card for NSDAP member - This document should be in the archive Index card for NSDAP member - This document should be in the archive $60.00
Very interesting document issued by Brygadefufer SS und Generalmajor der Polizei in Krakau ( Krakow) Volunteer work in the fortifications! + Monthly ticket for trams in Krakow Very interesting document issued by Brygadefufer SS und Generalmajor der Polizei in Krakau ( Krakow) Volunteer work in the fortifications! + Monthly ticket for trams in Krakow $120.00
WW2 Wehrmacht Panzerkorps soldier's private photo with his family WW2 Wehrmacht Panzerkorps soldier's private photo with his family $20.00
KL Nauengamme - Hamburg - Konzentrationslager - Concentration camp KL Nauengamme - Hamburg - Konzentrationslager - Concentration camp $200.00