Ordungspolizei (OrPo) Top Secret document sent to important German Industries like IG Farben in 1944 - Auschwitz mentioned
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Military Division:
This document of 2 pages was sent in august 1944 to some of the most important industries in Germany. It was an order from Berlin, from the Chief of Ordungspolizei (belonged to SS) to set up new radio communication devices in all those industries. The main reason was the offensives in the east and west since Russians and the other allies were approaching and causing big damage with air raids and attacks by allies planes. Those industries couldn't fall into the Nazi Germany's enemies' hands because that would be a big disaster for the war effort and the economy of Nazism. Therefore those Radio communications were necessary to keep all those big industrial centres well informed about the orders to be followed in critical moments. The document lists some important industries like IG. Farben Industrie AG. Auschwitz, more exactly the Buna Werke that used hard labour from Auschwitz Konzentrationslager (Auschwitz III - Monowitz), Union Rhein, etc. The document is stamped in red with the word Geheim! Which means Secret. Great document.
