Ostap Ortwin Jewish Journalist and Critic Set LVIV
Price: | $380.00 |
Really interesting set of postcards, photos and signature of the famous Jewish journalist and literary critic Ostap Ortwin. Set has 4 postcards, 3 of them sent by this man to different people and fully written and another one just sent as a present, also 4 photos of this man from 1937, in his last years and a visit card written on the reverse.and his signature on his personal book ! All in good condition.Ostap Ortwin, proper. Oskar Katzenellenbogen (born November 23, 1876 in Translator, murdered in the spring of 1942 in Lviv) - Polish journalist and literary critic.He was born in Translate near Stanisławów. Then he tied his whole life with Lviv. In 1899, he graduated in law from the University of Lviv. In his youth, he belonged to the Lviv poetry and literary group of Płanetników, meeting in the villa of the poet Maryla Wolska "Zawiat".He was one of the most interesting figures of Lviv at the beginning of the 20th century. He impressed his colleagues not only with his knowledge of the law, but also with his physique: his characteristic, powerful stature made him stand out from the crowd.As a critic, he spoke about literary works in an extremely original and brilliant way. A regular visitor to the Literary Casino at Akademicka, both at discussion evenings and at great balls. Since the time of his famous defense of Stanisław Brzozowski, the most famous literary critic of Lviv, a Polish writer of Jewish origin, elevated to the office of president of the Writers' Union in 1934.According to Ortwin, the novel's "truth" and "probability" is not demonstrated by imitation of life and by illustrating reality, but by the creation of a literary fiction which, while retaining internal logic, would testify to probability. And the poetry should be intersubjective; spontaneously, without dependence on the emotional state of the causative subject, i.e. the author. A given lyrical work should not be considered in terms of the mental state of the author. This work should be an artistic value in itself.He belonged to the Lviv-Warsaw school.After the Soviets entered Lviv in September 1939, he did not participate in the creation of a new union of writers, and even continued the activities of the former organization, accepting authors who were reluctant to the Soviet state. He died in 1942, shot in the street by the Nazis - despite the help of his friends, he did not want to live in hiding (as a Jew).