Patriotic Badge With the Bust of Adolf Hitler Price:$60.00 Product category: German propagandaMilitary Division: NSDAP Patriotic Badge With the Bust of Adolf Hitler. Needle system working perfectly. Specifics: 3 Reich awards and medalsInsignia & pinsNSDAPPropaganda itemsStock: 1
Nazi School Book For Children "The War to the Empire" 1944 Nazi School Book For Children "The War to the Empire" 1944 $80.00
German Book That Compiles UK Prime Minister Chamberlain's Caricatures and Cartoons German Book That Compiles UK Prime Minister Chamberlain's Caricatures and Cartoons $190.00
4 Numbers of the Nazi Illustrated Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - Years 1930, 1931 & 1937 4 Numbers of the Nazi Illustrated Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - Years 1930, 1931 & 1937 $50.00
2 Numbers of the Nazi Illustrated Sports and Athletics Magazine "Reichssportblatt" 37 and 43 of 1934 2 Numbers of the Nazi Illustrated Sports and Athletics Magazine "Reichssportblatt" 37 and 43 of 1934 $40.00