Photo of Jewish Beggar Asking for Money - Slovakia - Shoah Price:$60.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Photo of Jewish beggar asking for money while laughing at the camera. Description on the back, "Bettler" in Slovakia (Beggar). Paper Specifics: Documents & paperworkHolocaustJewish itemsPhotos - Photo albumsStock: 0
KL Dachau - One of a kind set of a Polish priest who was imprisoned in Dachau and undergone medical experiments over 4 years ! Named and researched ! KL Dachau - One of a kind set of a Polish priest who was imprisoned in Dachau and undergone medical experiments over 4 years ! Named and researched ! $4,600.00
KL Auschwitz - Birkenau - set after victim prisoner nurse from Birkenau KL Auschwitz - Birkenau - set after victim prisoner nurse from Birkenau $500.00
Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House TRAU KEINEM FUCHS AUF GRUENER HEID UND KEINEM JUD BEI SEINEM EID Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House TRAU KEINEM FUCHS AUF GRUENER HEID UND KEINEM JUD BEI SEINEM EID $1,890.00
KL Dachau - inmate garments - Impressive worn condition inmate's cap used in a concentration camp Dachau ! KL Dachau - inmate garments - Impressive worn condition inmate's cap used in a concentration camp Dachau ! $2,200.00