Set- Chief Constable of the Security Police Warsaw 1940
Price: | $480.00 |
Product category:
Military Division:
Set the Chief Constable of the Security Police probably in Warsaw
1.) Oil painting on plywood, 37x47 cm (with frames). Image shows Oberwachtmeister der Schutzpolizei (Chief Constable of the Security Police) Matthies Peter Hansen.
The painting is signed with the author's signature, place and date: A. Bindel, Warschau 4.8. (?) 1940.
2.) Ahnenpass (Ancestral passport), 2 photos, 52 pages, dimensions: 13x20.5 cm. Numerous entries, stamps, stamps of fees.
3.) Familienbuch (Family book), 20 pages, dimensions: 12.5x19.5 cm. Numerous entries, stamps, stamps of fees.
4.) Geburtsurkunde x 5 (birth certificates)
5.) Heiratsurkunde (marriage certificate)
6.) Inner document x 5
