Small War Poster in Polish about Hans Frank 1943 Gauleiter of the Generalgouvernement
Price: | $260.00 |
War printed wanted-poster fully in Polish with a picture of Hans Frank, former Gauleiter of the Generalgouvernement, wanted for crimes against humanity. Posters like this were handed out all over Poland to get information about the criminal Frank so that he could be captured.Poster says:Statement of the State Department Reed of the United States received credible information about the crimes committed by the German invaders against the Polish population. From autumn 1942, residents of the area adjacent to the province of Białystok to the population, along the Bug line, are systematically removed from their habitats In July 1943, these measures were applied to almost 100,000 people in the entire province. These measures were used with the utmost brutality. Many people were killed on the spot. Others were divided into groups: children from 14 to 50 years of age were forced to work in Germany, children would be murdered on the spot, or taken from their parents and sent to Germany, to be brought up as Germans or to sell them to German settlers, badf also they were sent with women and fighters to concentration camps. Read of the United States once again confirms its decision to the uk of the initiators and executors of these crimes. US government officer. that since these crimes are committed by representatives of Germans and on behalf of Germany, they will have to be taken into account at the time of the final settlement with Germany. Meanwhile, the war against Germany will be waged with the utmost vigor until the barbarian Nazi tyranny is finally overthrown. Washington, 29 1943.