SS Cap Eagle - Unmarked and Ground Dug. Made from aluminum Price:$580.00 Product category: 3 Reich German MilitariaMilitary Division: Waffen SS SS Cap Eagle - Unmarked and Ground Dug in Latvia. Made from aluminum Specifics: 3 Reich awards and medalsInsignia & pinsRelicsStock: 1
Infantry Assault Badge in Silver by Rudolf Souval - Marked Infantry Assault Badge in Silver by Rudolf Souval - Marked $120.00
Rare Wehrpass Issued to a Wehrmacht Polish Soldier Born in Krakow - 1943 Rare Wehrpass Issued to a Wehrmacht Polish Soldier Born in Krakow - 1943 $120.00
Bunch of Dozens of Photos of a German Man Who Was a Nazi During III Reich Bunch of Dozens of Photos of a German Man Who Was a Nazi During III Reich $190.00
Set of Photos and Documents That Belonged to a Wehrmacht Member of the Juridical Corps Set of Photos and Documents That Belonged to a Wehrmacht Member of the Juridical Corps $220.00