Ultra rare postcard for KL Auschwtiz I - Stammlager inmate for first contact information for relatives!!! Dated 1940! Very low number ! He was murdered in camp !
Price: | $960.00 |
We offer you the chance to get a real oddity. An ultra rare postcard to send information of contact to the relatives of a Polish prisoner of KL Auschwtiz I - Stammlager. These super scarce postcards " first message " were sent without text by the inmate (there's no space at all for text, only guidelines), since only contact information was given on it. Ever since, relatives had full information of where prisoner was: Block, camp and number given.This card is the first contact with the family and a list of what can and cannot be sent to the camp. This prisoner was given a very low number, number 2408, so he was of the first transports that arrived in KL Auschwitz, and even Auschwitz II - Birkenau was being projected and developed and murdered in camp ! A real opportunity to get such a rarity! perfect condition .
Podlaski, Stanisław
(prisoner number: 2408)
born: 1908-11-16, place of birth: Piotrków Tr.
1. 1940-08-15, Auschwitz, arrived to camp
2. murdered 15.3.1942 in KL Auschwitz,