Very rare anti-Semitic and racist foldable paper game that show some drawings of different races blaming Jews for war
Price: | $250.00 |
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Very rare anti-Semitic and racist foldable paper game that show some drawings of different races blaming Jews for war. When paper is unfolded it shows 6 different people of different cultures and races: Asian, African, American, Muslim and European. The message says: Wer stört unter allen Völkern den Frieden? (Who of all the nations breaks the peace?) The game consists of folding the paper and another drawing appears, which repreents a Jew, with big nose and lips and a shorter message appears above: Who breaks the peace? Obviously this game was an anti-Semitic game that wanted to spread the theory that the Jews were guilty for causing the war in Europe. Very good condition and a very nice example of anti-Semitic propaganda games.RCV
