Very rare book "Juden Christen Heiden im III. Reich". Anti-Nazi book criticizing anti-Semitic and anti-Christian policies of the III Reich. 1935
Price: | $420.00 |
Very rare book "Juden Christen Heiden im III. Reich" (Jews Christians Gentile in III Reich). Anti-Nazi book criticizing anti-Semitic and anti-Christian policies of the III Reich. Published in 1935 in Prague by Simpl-Verlag (note that Czech Republic wasn't occupied at that moment). Book is written in 3 languages: English, German and French. In this book we can see different satire regarding violent Nazi policies against Jews and Christians, with original German cartoons from different Nazi period publications, such as Der Stürmer of Julius Streicher. This book depicts Nazis as monsters that kill and laugh at Jews among others.
Book condition isn't good but it's complete with cover. Very interesting book indeed with a different point of view of Nazism and its persecution of religions.