Very rare registered letter envelope sent from Paris to Litzmannstadt-Marysin Ghetto, a small part of Litzmannstadt Ghetto. This envelope is really interesting and rare because sender didn't know the address of the receiver. He only knew that he was in a small ghetto in Poland called Marysin. The censorship office removed the postal stamps in order to check if under them there was any kind of message to the Jew. After removing the stamps an ink stamp of Litzmannstadt was placed. Letter was also oppened and closed with an adhesive type of the censor which says "opened". This item is really recommended for Holocaust correspondence collectors.Marysin Ghetto was the northeastern part of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto, where many wooden houses, previously inhabited mainly by Poles, were located. A large segment of the area was made up of fields, gardens and cottages. For the ghetto inhabitants, Marysin was a symbol of well-being. Here, there were vacation homes for the favored officials and what functioned as summer apartments for some of the Jewish administrations dignitaries. However, special centers for Zionist youth, the so-called hakhsharas, where young people learned to cultivate the fields, were situated here as well. Plots of land managed by various youth organizations also marked the area. There were more than 20 kibbutzim, with well over 1,000 people involved. The kibbutzim were also involved in cultural and educational activities.
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