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Waffen SS - Totenkopf division - Impressive big set of documents to an SS-Unterscharführer of a motorised transport batallion! Solbuch included!

Product category: 
Military Division: 

We offer you the chance to get a very nice document set that belonged to an SS -Unterscharführer. Documents are since 30s until end 40s. It comprises the following documents and paperwork:

-His original SS Soldbuch (soldier's booklet). This Soldbuch is complete but some pages are damaged. Somebody torn them and in at least 2 a piece is missing, but overall condition is good apart from that. Many SS ink stamps and Totenkopf div. stamps too.

Kraftfahr Abteilung motorized transport battalion

-2 x portrait photos, wearing the SS uniform and visor cap. Details of the skull are awesome. One of the photos is wearing the rank of SS -Unterscharführer, and in the other one the rank of SS-Rottenführer. One is modern printer copy.
-Award document of the black wounded badge since he was wounded during the war
-Award document for the war merit cross second class with swords
-Award document for the German mother's cross in bronze for his wife since he was mother to 3 sons
-WW1 period award document for social warfare cross given to his wife's father for his service during the Great War
-2 x Reichsbundes Deutsche Familie diplomas for both Kurt and Marianne from the German family organization
-Release document for civilians dated 1948 issued to Kurt after the war after being in POW camp
-SS-RuSHa (SS Race office) document 1934 for wedding approval for Kurt and his wife
-Period copy of the born certificate of one of Kurt's son
-German RAD organization release document
-1946 denazification document issued by Allied forces for Kurt
-Some prisoner of War postcards sent to his wife in 1947
-Original period photo during the ceremony where Kurt was awarded the KVK 2nd class in Buchenwald
-Ahnenpass book
-Wedding photo, also modern printer copy
-SA bronze award exams booklet with missing photo
-Period bank savings booklet
-DAF KdF-Wagen (the famous beetle!) paying card. This man bought the Volkswagen!

As you can see a huge set in very good condition and very complete.
