WW 2 - Three very nice letters from forced labor 1940 Price:Sold out Product category: Sold items/Archives WW 2 - Three very nice letters from forced labor 1940 also one regular letter Specifics: Documents & paperworkLettersStock: 0
Rare anti-Semitic Propaganda Leaftlet "Hit me some more Isadore. I am seeing diamonds" Rare anti-Semitic Propaganda Leaftlet "Hit me some more Isadore. I am seeing diamonds" $120.00
Rare Set of 5 Death Cards of Belgian Prisoners Who Died in German Concentration Camps Rare Set of 5 Death Cards of Belgian Prisoners Who Died in German Concentration Camps $120.00
Rare Set of 5 Death Cards of Belgian Prisoners Who Died in KL Buchenwald Rare Set of 5 Death Cards of Belgian Prisoners Who Died in KL Buchenwald $120.00
Rare Set of 7 Death Cards of Belgian Prisoners Who Died in KL Mittebau -Dora - Nordhausen Rare Set of 7 Death Cards of Belgian Prisoners Who Died in KL Mittebau -Dora - Nordhausen $120.00