WW II - ID -Ausweis - Informers & traitors - Deutsche Volksliste Price:$50.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives ID -Ausweis - Informers - Traitors - and all those who signed the" list of German " (Deutsche Volksliste ) Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
Ghetto Vilnius - Jews Permit Leaving the Jewish Residen Ghetto Vilnius - Jews Permit Leaving the Jewish Residen $180.00
Ghetto Vilnius - Jews Permit Leaving the Jewish Residen Ghetto Vilnius - Jews Permit Leaving the Jewish Residen $160.00
KL Mauthausen Gusen - Letter With Envelope 1941 KL Mauthausen Gusen - Letter With Envelope 1941 $120.00
Two ID on canvas from Arms and ammunition factory + two additional documents. Father and son Two ID on canvas from Arms and ammunition factory + two additional documents. Father and son $320.00