WW II - ID -Ausweis - Informers & traitors - Deutsche Volksliste Price:$50.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives ID -Ausweis - Informers - Traitors - and all those who signed the" list of German " (Deutsche Volksliste ) Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - The Working Department Office of the Jewish Council of the Ghetto 1942 Ghetto Litzmannstadt - The Working Department Office of the Jewish Council of the Ghetto 1942 $100.00
KL Buchenwald - Drawing from Prisoner and Artist Pawel Cholewik KL Buchenwald - Drawing from Prisoner and Artist Pawel Cholewik $660.00
KL Flossenburg - Interesting postcard sent in 1940 by an SS guard that was in duty in KL Flossenburg to a relative. KL Flossenburg - Interesting postcard sent in 1940 by an SS guard that was in duty in KL Flossenburg to a relative. $100.00
KL Auschwitz - Interesting postcard sent by an SS guard KL Auschwitz - Interesting postcard with a photo of Kattowice on the front, sent by an SS guard that was in duty in KL Auschwitz to a relative. KL Auschwitz - Interesting postcard sent by an SS guard KL Auschwitz - Interesting postcard with a photo of Kattowice on the front, sent by an SS guard that was in duty in KL Auschwitz to a relative. $260.00