WW II - ID card to a Ukrainian who worked as a farmer 1942 Price:Sold out Product category: Sold items/Archives ID card to a Ukrainian who worked as a farmer 1942 . With photo and fingerprints of the bearer. Very good condition. Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
Very interesting and rare passport issued to a Jew from Vienna that died in KL Buchenwald after being arrested in the Kristallnacht (Night of broken glass) - victim of the Holocaust! Very interesting and rare passport issued to a Jew from Vienna that died in KL Buchenwald after being arrested in the Kristallnacht (Night of broken glass) - victim of the Holocaust! $880.00
Judaica - Very rare Polish passport issued in 1935 to a Polish Jew from Lviv that emmigrated to Palestine! Judaica - Very rare Polish passport issued in 1935 to a Polish Jew from Lviv that emmigrated to Palestine! $340.00
Ghetto Warsaw - Very nice and inedit private taken photo of one of the access gates of the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw ! Ghetto Warsaw - Very nice and inedit private taken photo of one of the access gates of the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw ! $140.00
KL Auschwitz - Set of 35 items ! Rare post-war ID issued to a former Auschwitz prisoner that was given early number 112 who was famous caricatuist! KL Auschwitz - Set of 35 items ! Rare post-war ID issued to a former Auschwitz prisoner that was given early number 112 who was famous caricatuist! $320.00