WW II - ID card to a Ukrainian who worked as a farmer 1942 Price:$80.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives ID card to a Ukrainian who worked as a farmer 1942 . With photo and fingerprints of the bearer. Very good condition. Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
Holocaust - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" Holocaust - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" $100.00
Holocaust - Jewish - Super rare Belgian anti-Semitic book "Joden Zijn Ook Menschen" by Jef Van de Wiele Holocaust - Jewish - Super rare Belgian anti-Semitic book "Joden Zijn Ook Menschen" by Jef Van de Wiele $380.00
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Warsaw - picture has been taken in ghetto Warsaw . around 1941. Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Warsaw - picture has been taken in ghetto Warsaw . around 1941. $110.00
KL Auschwitz - A parcel label sent to KL Auschwitz ! KL Auschwitz - A parcel label sent to KL Auschwitz ! $220.00