WW II - ID card to a Ukrainian who worked as a farmer 1942 Price:$80.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives ID card to a Ukrainian who worked as a farmer 1942 . With photo and fingerprints of the bearer. Very good condition. Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
Old truncheon made from leather used by Kapos in concentration camps to batter inmates Old truncheon made from leather used by Kapos in concentration camps to batter inmates $420.00
WW2 - NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with an accusation against Churchill and England of having created the bombings against civilian populations WW2 - NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with an accusation against Churchill and England of having created the bombings against civilian populations $180.00
Factory Ausweis issued to a Polish woman from Lodz who worked for AEG as slave laborer in 1943 Factory Ausweis issued to a Polish woman from Lodz who worked for AEG as slave laborer in 1943 $100.00
Very interesting Personalausweis issued to a Polish female slave laborer who worked for Krupp industries in their factory in Litzmannstadt Very interesting Personalausweis issued to a Polish female slave laborer who worked for Krupp industries in their factory in Litzmannstadt $120.00