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WW2 - Beautiful named set that belonged to a Wehrmacht chaplain of the 333. Infanterie Div. who was also a WW1 veteran!! Very rare!

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Military Division: 

We offer for sale a very rare named set: a set that belonged to a Wehrmacht chaplain of the 333. Infanterie Division, that was also a veteran of the WW1. This set comprises the superb official German Army crucifix for catholic Kriegspfarrer (war chaplains) (there was also a special cross for evangelists without Christ) made from silvererd metal and with the characteristic skull and bones below the figure of the Christ, the WW2 Katolisches Feldgesangbuch or booklet of catholic field songs in great condition, printed in 1940 and with the stamp of the chaplain "Krgspfr. Schnabel F.P. Nr. 08167", which means "War chaplain Schnabel, Feld post number 08167". Since he was a veteran of the WW1, the set also includes his Hindenburg cross without swords (he was not fighting as he was a war chaplain, thus cross doesn't have swords) and his war merit medal (krigesverdiesnstkreuz).

Wilhelm Schnabel was priest in the diocese of Mainz and 2 big wars' veteran.

Sets like this one are rare and difficult to find, and more if they have name and surname! We attach 2 photos to show what german war chaplain crucifixes look like. There were some variations. Here are shown 2, one exactly like Schabel's set cross and 2 photos of 2 chaplains from ww1 and ww2 periods wearing exactly the same type of cross.
