WW2 German - Holocaust - Jews in Poland - Jew , ghetto Price:$120.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives WW2 German - Holocaust - Jews in Poland - Jew , ghetto Size 6cm x 6cm Specifics: Ghetto itemsHolocaustJewish itemsStock: 0
Excellent Hand-made Lighter by Polish Prisoner in KL Stutthof With Engraving and a Polish Zloty Coin Excellent Hand-made Lighter by Polish Prisoner in KL Stutthof With Engraving and a Polish Zloty Coin $420.00
KL Mauthausen - Set of a death notice sent from Mauthausen to a deceased man's wife + letter! KL Mauthausen - Set of a death notice sent from Mauthausen to a deceased man's wife + letter! $720.00
Rare KL Auschwitz Kommandantur Telegram About Death Rare KL Auschwitz Kommandantur Telegram About Death $320.00
Instructions Manual of the Mauser Selbstlade Pistole 7.65 mm Caliber Instructions Manual of the Mauser Selbstlade Pistole 7.65 mm Caliber $100.00