WW2 German - Holocaust - Jews resettlement somewhere in Poland - Jews , ghetto Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives WW2 German - Holocaust - Jews resettlement somewhere in Poland - Jews , ghetto Paper : Agfa - Lupex Specifics: Ghetto itemsHolocaustJewish itemsPhotos - Photo albumsStock: 0
KL Lublin Majdanek - Concentration camp bowl Waffen SS KL Lublin Majdanek - Concentration camp bowl Waffen SS $680.00
Factory ID - Very nice factory pass issued to an engineer who worked for LGW Hakenfelde in Berin-Spandau! Factory ID - Very nice factory pass issued to an engineer who worked for LGW Hakenfelde in Berin-Spandau! $100.00
Very old 1933 Weimar Republic period metal plaque to signalize a postal service bus stop Very old 1933 Weimar Republic period metal plaque to signalize a postal service bus stop $390.00
WW 2 - Complete roll of 500 post pr-printed stamps of Hitler's official portraits 1942 from stamps machine!!! WW 2 - Complete roll of 500 post pr-printed stamps of Hitler's official portraits 1942 from stamps machine!!! $130.00