
Total: $0.00

Error message

Notice: Undefined index: random in backstretch_context_reaction_backstretch->execute() (line 398 of /home/3reich/public_html/sites/all/modules/backstretch/plugins/backstretch_context_reaction_backstretch.inc).

WW2 - Nice set of a Propagandakompanie reporter of the Wehrmacht

Product category: 
Military Division: 

Nice set of a Propagandakompanie reporter of the Wehrmacht: video camera, photo camera and 2 films

Interesting thing is inside of video camera is still tape !

We just open but don't removed and we don't exactly knows what is on this tape we hope this will be big surprise for person who want develop this tape.

Nice set of a Propagandakompanie reporter of the Wehrmacht.

Set comprises:

-Kodak video camera model Ciné-Kodal 8 Modell 25 with some tape inside

-Kodak photo camera Balda

-Two  8 mm propaganda movies: Narvik and another one of 1942 events during the war.

We got this set like that , all in very good condition and beautiful
