WW2 - NSDAP membership enamelled pin Price:$70.00 Product category: Sold items/ArchivesMilitary Division: NSDAP NSDAP membership enamelled pin in perfect condition, maker marked M1/9 Specifics: Insignia & pinsNSDAPStock: 0
WW2 German nazi porcelain plate with Eagle gold by Kronester WW2 German nazi porcelain plate with Eagle gold by Kronester $199.00
Awesome named Dachau concentration camp inmate's complete uniform & clogs -with documents!!! Awesome named Dachau concentration camp inmate's complete uniform & clogs -with documents!!! $14,000.00
Set of 51 huge full color photos. Idealized conception of the life of a German soldier. Set of 51 huge full color photos. Idealized conception of the life of a German soldier. $465.00