WW2 - NSDAP membership enamelled pin Price:$70.00 Product category: Sold items/ArchivesMilitary Division: NSDAP NSDAP membership enamelled pin in perfect condition, maker marked M1/9 Specifics: Insignia & pinsNSDAPStock: 0
Very nice enamelled panel from the Fire Insurance Company of Magdeburg. Complete! Very nice enamelled panel from the Fire Insurance Company of Magdeburg. Complete! $340.00
Genuine empty 500gr Zyklon B can! Used by German Nazis in concentration camps! Genuine empty 500gr Zyklon B can! Used by German Nazis in concentration camps! 1 200,00 €
5 photographs of the execution of partisans and pacification of one of the Polish countryside. 5 photographs of the execution of partisans and pacification of one of the Polish countryside. $170.00
Album SS Totenkopf Deutschland - Amaizing 175 photos Album SS Totenkopf Deutschland - Amaizing 175 photos $3,599.00