WW2 - NSDAP membership enamelled pin Price:$70.00 Product category: Sold items/ArchivesMilitary Division: NSDAP NSDAP membership enamelled pin in perfect condition, maker marked M1/9 Specifics: Insignia & pinsNSDAPStock: 0
Kennkarte - Identity card - For residents in the " GG " General Gouvernement Kennkarte - Identity card - For residents in the " GG " General Gouvernement $60.00
KL Sachsenhausen ( Oranienburg ) - Permission to obtain 100 zł per month to spend in the camp canteen. KL Sachsenhausen ( Oranienburg ) - Permission to obtain 100 zł per month to spend in the camp canteen. $320.00
KL Auschwitz - Letter + envelope from the concentration camp 1941 KL Auschwitz - Letter + envelope from the concentration camp 1941 $150.00