WW2 Wehrmacht Panzerkorps soldier's private photo with his family Price:$20.00 Product category: Sold items/ArchivesMilitary Division: Panzer Truppen WW2 Wehrmacht Panzerkorps soldier's private postcard photo with his familySpecifics: Photos - Photo albumsSoldier personal itemsStock: 0
3 Reich -SA Dagger by Malsch & Ambronn, Steinbach 1933 3 Reich -SA Dagger by Malsch & Ambronn, Steinbach 1933 $780.00
3 Reich - SS Officer's belt buckle (Koppelschloss) Mega rare 3 Reich - SS Officer's belt buckle (Koppelschloss) Mega rare $3,800.00
German SA M33 Dagger by August Rother, Solingen. German SA M33 Dagger by August Rother, Solingen. $680.00