WW2 Wehrmacht Panzerkorps soldier's private photo with his family Price:$20.00 Product category: Sold items/ArchivesMilitary Division: Panzer Truppen WW2 Wehrmacht Panzerkorps soldier's private postcard photo with his familySpecifics: Photos - Photo albumsSoldier personal itemsStock: 0
Anti Semitic - Rare envelopes sent by "Der Stürmer" Anti Semitic - Rare envelopes sent by "Der Stürmer" $100.00
3 Reich - The Traitors of the Nation Couple Two ID 3 Reich - The Traitors of the Nation Couple Two ID $120.00
Set for the Red Cross doctor in Occupation Poland Set for the Red Cross doctor in Occupation Poland $170.00
3 Reich - Lviv - Id 's with Reichsführer SS ink stamp 3 Reich - Lviv - Id 's with Reichsführer SS ink stamp $100.00