WW2 Wehrmacht Panzerkorps soldier's private photo with his family Price:$20.00 Product category: Sold items/ArchivesMilitary Division: Panzer Truppen WW2 Wehrmacht Panzerkorps soldier's private postcard photo with his familySpecifics: Photos - Photo albumsSoldier personal itemsStock: 0
Tiny 0.05 litre kettle from Jüdenstraße in Berlin. Tiny 0.05 litre kettle from Jüdenstraße in Berlin. 60,00 €
Nice book "Arzt im Kampf" by Kurt Blome, one of the infamous doctors of Auschwitz Nice book "Arzt im Kampf" by Kurt Blome, one of the infamous doctors of Auschwitz $130.00
Amazing item. Envelope with a gold ring of a deceased inmate from Auschwitz! Amazing item. Envelope with a gold ring of a deceased inmate from Auschwitz! 480,00 €