ID card - Documents - Worksheet - laborer - prisons - slave Mill worker - the name of Hermann Goring Price:$180.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives ID card - Documents - Worksheet - laborer - prisons - slave Mill worker - the name of Hermann GoringSpecifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDForced labor itemsStock: 0
Concentration Camp Uniform Jacket , Excellent Named Set After a Former Polish Inmate in KL Auschwitz and KL Buchenwald Who Survived! Concentration Camp Uniform Jacket , Excellent Named Set After a Former Polish Inmate in KL Auschwitz and KL Buchenwald Who Survived! $12,800.00
Holocaust - Excellent Example of an Original JUIF Star of David Used by French Jews - Used Condition Holocaust - Excellent Example of an Original JUIF Star of David Used by French Jews - Used Condition $2,600.00
3 Reich - Provisional Identity Certificate Issued in Poland 1940 3 Reich - Provisional Identity Certificate Issued in Poland 1940 $50.00
WW II - Laminated ID for German women worker in air factory Flugzeug- und Metallbauwerke GmbH - Wels 1943 WW II - Laminated ID for German women worker in air factory Flugzeug- und Metallbauwerke GmbH - Wels 1943 $130.00