Holocaust - Anti Semitic - Rare anti-Semitic book "Gibt es Jüdische Ritual-Morde" about the so-called Jewish ritual murder 1934
Price: | $260.00 |

This book published in Germany during III Reich is a relation of the supposed historical and "documented" cases of the so-called Jewish ritual murder. Book tries to put light on this, of course, giving verisimilitude to all of them so as to present the Jewish religion as a pervert and violent one.
What was the Jewish ritual murder?
Jewish ritual murder, popularly referred to by deniers as Blood libel, is the alleged murder of a non-Jew by Jews in celebration of the Jewish religious festivals of Purim and Passover. The ritual's argued purpose is to drain the blood of a non-Jewish person (preferably a young Christian boy) in order to make three cornered Purim pastries or matzo.
While these may have been false charges, several books have argued the reality of Jewish ritual murder (possibly by religious extremist or occult-oriented individuals).
Book is complete with no pages missing nor damage 216 pages . Only dust-cover is missing.