3 Reich - Polish Cruelies Against the Ethnic German 1942 !
Price: | $240.00 |

Offered for sale is a : RARE ORIGINAL ANTI POLISH PROPAGANDA 1942 SS RSHA PHOTO BOOK ON POLISH CRUELTIES AGAINST THE ETHNIC GERMAN MINORITY (DIE POLNISCHEN GRAUSAMKEITEN ) FULL OF GRUESOME PICTURES / NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. Offered for sale is this rare 7 x 9-1/4 inch, 192 page hardcover book, published in 1942 by SS-Oberruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich's Reich Main Security Office (RSHA or Reichssicherheitshauptamt). Two detectives from the RSHA, Dr. Bernd Wehner and Discar, went through the archives and put this study together, showing the Polish cruelties towards the ethnic German minority living in Poland. The range of ethnic Germans killed went from 80+ years old women to a 14 months old baby. The RSHA's stated duty was to fight all 'enemies of the Reich' and one can count on it that not a single Polish man or woman who was found guilty of killing, torturing and mutilating German individuals was still breathing much longer, after the RSHA had them in their crosshairs. A gruesome but very interesting piece of Nazi propaganda, published by probably the most feared office in entire Germany at the time, if not Europe.