Warsaw Uprasing Fieldpost - Dawntown South 14 August 1944 Price:$650.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives WARSAW UPRISING Letter with an envelope sent from the area within the Uprising on 14 August 1944 Very rare good condition. Specifics: Documents & paperworkLettersStock: 0
Concentration Camp Uniform Jacket , Excellent Named Set After a Former Polish Inmate in KL Auschwitz and KL Buchenwald Who Survived! Concentration Camp Uniform Jacket , Excellent Named Set After a Former Polish Inmate in KL Auschwitz and KL Buchenwald Who Survived! $12,800.00
Holocaust - Excellent Example of an Original JUIF Star of David Used by French Jews - Used Condition Holocaust - Excellent Example of an Original JUIF Star of David Used by French Jews - Used Condition $2,600.00
Rare Porcelain Pot of the IG Farbenindustrie AG Canteen or Official Dinnerware of the Offices Rare Porcelain Pot of the IG Farbenindustrie AG Canteen or Official Dinnerware of the Offices $220.00
Rare Book of the Former Auschwitz III - Monowitz Buna Werke Scientific Library With Ink Stamps Rare Book of the Former Auschwitz III - Monowitz Buna Werke Scientific Library With Ink Stamps $130.00